HE GOT UP – Part 2
Last week, we learned that we should walk with our heads held high because Jesus died and rose so that we wouldn’t have to be bowed down. Today we will learn how to stay up by tackling the things that might attempt to keep us down.

Part of the evidence that Jesus rose, is that the stone was rolled away and the grave clothes were left behind. The stone represents blockage and the grave clothes indicate limitations that may not necessarily be as literal as the objects in Jesus’ case. These could be thoughts that have limited and handicapped you from entering or exiting some things, cords that have tied you up or, weights that have been laid on you to prevent you from advancing.
When Jesus got to Lazarus’ tomb in John 11, He called him forth and ordered that he be loosed and let go; and today God is telling you to shake that cancer off! Take off whatever yokes are binding you, let them go, and walk in the newness of life that he has procured for you.
Have you ever been entrapped by something and then tried to break free from its hold? Have you realized that as long as you’re caught onto that thing, there’s no advancement for you? Hence the reason you squat or bend to detangle yourself, depending on the situation before moving forward.
One of the keys to your staying up, is that you first acknowledge that you are held down, determine what by and seek a way to break free. My question to you today is, do you know what is keeping you down? If you do, what are you doing about it?
I’m amazed at how Jesus told the people to loose Lazarus and let him go; this suggests to me that there are people who would have been released but they choose to stay bound and wound up. Today, I pronounce judgment to anything that is holding you and I declare that you will walk in the liberty in which Christ has made you free.
Do you realize that ever since Jesus got up he’s never for once been down? So get up! Walk out of that depression! Get rid of your fears, unbelief, doubt, and insecurities. So what? You’ve been dumped, divorced, or made redundant. Take off your grave clothes, drop them, quit reminiscing over the past; lift up your head, get up off the floor, close the door on your past, and walk into the new portal God has opened for you.
When Jesus said “It is finished”, he meant that everything that existed upon till then has, ended and is closed. He brought to conclusion the old and began a new thing. Friend, Jesus is interested in your advancement, not in your snared state and even more in your future than your past.
The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon Me because the LORD has anointed me to preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound. Isaiah 61:1 (NKJV)
I trust that you’ve heard God today through this piece, take him at his word, and watch how far you’ll advance.
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