Exodus 32(KJV)
26Then Moses stood in the gate of the camp, and said, Who is on the LORD’s side? let him come unto me. And all the sons of Levi gathered themselves together unto him.
Last week, I shared with you, an attitude or if you like a posture we ought to assume when it seems like we are encountering delay. Today, I’m taking it little bit further and we’ll learn what it means to be on the Lord’s side.
When we hear the phrase ‘Taking Sides’, we of course would consider the fact that there is more than one side and then we’d go on to think of words like adversary, opponent, antagonist, controversy, dispute, argument and perhaps terms like complainant and defendant. When one is taking sides, they are supporting a group against another, they are positioned on one side in conflict with the other and they have an agenda and opinion that cannot concur with opposite sides.

Throughout scripture, you’ll see men and women assert their position; you’ll hear Joshua say “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord”, and Ruth “Wherever you go, I will go, and wherever you stay, I will stay. Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God”; you’ll even come across Jesus saying to His disciples “Let’s go over to the other side”.
In the text above, Israel, God’s chosen people had just committed idolatry and Moses, just coming down from the mountain poses this question to them “Who is on the Lord’s side?” and the same time tells them how to respond “let him come unto me”.
It’s amazing how the scripture records that Moses stood at the gate of the camp whilst asking this question. We know that one of the functions of a gate is to make a demarcation between two areas; Moses was in other words saying, Folks; your action will prove your conviction; if you come to me then I’ll know you are on the Lord’s side. Can you see the correlation between this and James’ writing?
James 2
- What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him?
- So also faith of itself, if it does not have works, is dead.
If you read the rest of Exodus 32, you’ll notice that everyone who didn’t cross over to Moses was slain, they died. Death, whether physical or spiritual is the result you get if you are not on the Lord’s side ; you start living a half-life, a life of gradual decay; you keep losing energy until you have none left. But a person on the Lord’s side Lives – They live by faith! They hear the word, believe in it, they talk it, walk it and act upon it; that’s why they make it through.
I want to encourage you to act like the Levites today, separate yourself from the crowd, cross over and slay anything that does not agree with what you do. Believe God, when He says It (whatever you are believing Him for) will happen; be it your healing, finances, relationship, marriage, fruit of the womb, long life, whatever it is. Put some attitude to your belief, lift your prophetic finger, point towards whichever direction you need to, make your position clear and speak! I’m crossing over, play time is over, I’ll quit saying “I can’t afford this” I’ll start saying “my needs are met according to God’s riches in glory”
I know someone reading this is scared they’ll die soon – No, you won’t! If you believe God’s word that says through Him your days will be many and years will be added to your life. Maybe your fear is not surviving this credit crunch – God delights in the prosperity of his servants and whatever God delights in, he brings to pass – you will not go under! You’ll cross over! Over to the winning side, over to the Living side – The Lord’s side.
More on this series:
Who is on the Lord’s side? 1