Shoot and Strike Part 2
Elisha said, “Open the east window.” So he opened it. Elisha said, “Shoot! ” So he shot. Then Elisha said, “The LORD’s arrow of victory, yes, the arrow of victory over Aram. You are to strike down the Arameans in Aphek until you have put an end to them.” 2 Kings 13:17
Last time, we looked at the significance of the bow and arrows in the hand of the believer. Today, we will consider how to focus the bows (prayer, fasting, worship, giving, etc.) for maximum effectiveness.
The text says firstly that the bow was targeted at the Arameans based in Aphek. In the same vein, your bow ought to have a mark. You need some precision regarding the target of your shots! Target east, don’t fire aimlessly. More importantly, you must open the window; in other words, clear the atmosphere!

Secondly, Elisha’s decree was aligned to the assignment of the bow. It is pointless trusting God for financial blessings when you are currently unfaithful with what you have been given. And if you are believing God for a spouse or child, do your actions align with your confessions or vice versa? It is crucial that your faith and corresponding action work hand in hand for victory and breakthrough to ensue. Why don’t you take a minute to speak over your present situation? Decree that you will totally overcome. You will rise above. You will breakthrough and have complete victory. Now, seal it with a praise!
Elisha said, “Pick up the arrows and hit the ground with them.” Jehoash grabbed the arrows and hit the ground three times, then stopped. 2 Kings 13:18
After Jehoash had shot the arrows, Elisha advised him to strike. But why? To ensure total victory, a strike is necessary because it seals the deal – there is only so much a shot can accomplish. That’s why David didn’t just stop at slinging the stone, but picked up Goliath’s sword to cut off his head. Jehoash stopped at three strikes. This shows that it is possible for one to give up just at the edge of their breakthrough. Would God have bothered despatching Angel Mike to assist Angel Gab if Bro Dan had stopped praying? Selah!
The king needed at least 2 more strikes to completely destroy the enemy. But because he quit, his victory was limited to the number of times he tried. I don’t know about you but I want total conquest, not a one-time or two-time victory. Consequently, the man of God was angry with him. May God never be displeased with you due to your lack of faith in him! I pray for grace to continue in his will until he gives you a new focus or challenge.
I implore you today to be deliberate and consistent in spiritual warfare. Don’t stop at shooting, strike also. Jericho didn’t come down until 7 complete cycles of marching. March onward, Christian soldier! Pray without season, bless the Lord at all times, be not weary in doing good for your harvest is underway. Shoot and strike!
More in this series:
Shoot and strike 1