Goodness and abundance

You crown the year with Your goodness, And Your paths drip with abundance. Psalm 65:11
It is my custom to spend the last day of every year in reflection, thanksgiving, and praise. Today, the above passage was my focus.
One of the things that jumped out to me was that God doesn’t just start the year, but he crowns it – completes and climaxes it with his goodness. The goodness of God speaks of his persona and actions. Essentially, his moral excellence and admirableness. The psalmist attests to this when he scribes:
You are good, and what you do is good. Psalm 119:68a
If you reminisce, I am sure you can recall a few instances of God’s goodness in your life this year through his presence, provision, and protection. I encourage you to do what the songwriter suggests: “Count your blessings, name them one by one and it will surprise you what the Lord has done”.
Another thing God throws into the mix is his abundance – more than adequate quantity or supply and I love the fact that this is not limited to a path or place. It is ongoing and currently happening. Friend, did you know that every track or route along which God causes you to travel or move overflows with abundance? I dare you to believe it and you will see it!
Perhaps like many, you had a challenging 2021 ridden with change, uncertainties, difficulties, lack, ill health, loss, and grief. I am confident that God can change your story. Things may not look so good now but we know God is the essence and source of goodness, and so your situation is an easy thing for him to resolve. I don’t know precisely when or how he’ll do it but he surely will in time. You just might be a step away from that path that drips with abundance, track with God, and watch him align you. It won’t be long before you see the evidence of his goodness and promises in fulfillment. #fulfilmentcomes #hollaapraise
You lead me in the path of life; I experience absolute joy in your presence; you always give me sheer delight. Psalm 16:11