Background Music by Yolanda Adams – I’m Gonna Be Ready

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Today I am going to share with you one of my favourite songs – I’m gonna be ready by Yolanda Adams.  Sit tight and read on.

Ready is a state of being structured together and complete; whole, having lived out a potential or realized an intended goal. Preparation is the training, groundwork and process that set you on the path of being ready.

Paul said in Philippians 3:12, “Not that I have already obtained it or have already become perfect, but I press on ….I push on …..I forge ahead….it’s really tough but I press on, very painful but I keep going”.

How did a man who was:

  • Imprisoned often
  • Flogged more severely and numerously
  • In frequent danger of death
  • Whipped 39 lashes from Jews
  • Beaten with rods
  • Once stoned, shipwrecked thrice, spent a night and a day in the open sea, on frequent journeys,
  • In dangers from rivers, robbers, countrymen,  in the city, in the wilderness, on the sea, and among false brethren
  • Working hard and long, enduring many sleepless nights, in hunger and thirst, often without food, without enough clothing to keep him warm

say, ’I still press on’. If it were you what would you say? What would you do? Would you quit or press on?

I could hear him say, I have survived the worst of times, why give up now? I need to lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus got hold of me. There is purpose in all this, God’s got a plan, for surely there is an end; and my expectation shall not be cut off. Yolanda sings, for whatever comes… With you in control, I can’t go wrong ‘cause I always know….I’m gonna be ready.

I can’t quit till I fulfill his intended purpose for me.  There are many cities to be evangelized and many souls yet to be saved… I press on!

Only a man of vision can say that. A man who understands his purpose.  Do you know the reason why God has laid hold of you, the same reason you may be going through what you are in preparation for the time you are made manifest; the time you are ready!

Stop crying, stop murmuring, work with God, do your homework, and submit them on time. Because you see, there is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: If you do well, won’t you be accepted? That’s what He told Esau – If you do well, will you not be lifted up? God is not some mean assessor who derives satisfaction in marking you down so you would fail. He wants your advancement; He takes pleasure in your prosperity. Talking about tests, how do you pass them, by preparing, isn’t it? Sometimes you don’t feel like it, but for the joy that is set before you, for that certificate that’ll read – Ready, you endure the pain and press on!

Don’t be a drop-out, persevere to the end, and be ready!

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