Dear Friend, I trust that you’re being encouraged, challenged and changed by these words that you receive weekly. Keep abiding and you’ll bear choice and nice fruits. Over the weeks we’ve been studying the lives of remnants and some of their actions. Today we want...

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Dear Friend, This is the day that the Lord has made for us to rejoice and be glad in and I’ve made up my mind not be sad regardless of what might happen and  I want to encourage you not to be disheartened if it seems like the things you’ve spoken are taking long to...

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Dear Friend, I am so glad that I am finally able to send you this mail though late. Last week was Passover and I heard a word from God just for you, I pray that it ministers to you. I am the first born of my family and I know how protective and proud my father is of...

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HE GOT UP – Part 2

Last week, we learned that we should walk with our heads held high because Jesus died and rose so that we wouldn’t have to be bowed down. Today we will learn how to stay up by tackling the things that might attempt to keep us down. Part of the evidence that Jesus...

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HE GOT UP – Part 1

Jesus was crucified, he died and he was buried but the scripture says that on the third day, the stone was rolled away and he arose; in other words, he got up. That’s what Easter is all about and that’s what we’ve just celebrated. Paul said in 2 Corinthians 4:9 that...

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Background Music by Myron Butler & Levi “Speak” Dear Friend, How are you doing today? I have no doubt that God is working things out for you; so stay strong, keep the faith. And as you continue to hold fast the confession of your hope, “May the God of hope fill...

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Endless Love – Valentine’s Day Edition

Dear Friend, How are you feeling today? I was up at the early hours of the morning talking to God about how I needed him to help me through today. Prior to this, I was feeling low and lonely and then I had a conversation over the phone which was “blessed”, as I lay...

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About Jeanie

Instrument of Praise is a Music Ministry which operates on a national and international scale ministering physical, emotional and spiritual healing to the afflicted....