Give us today our daily bread. Matthew 6:11
This scripture brings back a lot of memories. It’s quite a familiar text and memory verse. As I made breakfast this morning, I reflected on the following:
Give us: Signifies the requesters’ confidence in the grantor’s capacity and capability to provide for them and theirs. What is your faith level? Do you believe God has, can, and will supply all your needs? Then ask!
Today: James notes in his book that no one but God knows what will happen tomorrow. Jesus further encourages us not to worry about tomorrow given that today has enough trouble of its own. Some people in planning ahead have lost focus of the present. There are areas you need God to come through for you now, today, and not tomorrow. What are those things you need an immediate response on? Is it your accommodation, utility, health, or job situation? Petition God for it, today!
Our daily bread: The Manna was a daily household provision that expired at the end of every day except on the Sabbath Eve when an additional portion was allowed. Jesus said, “tomorrow will worry about itself” which suggests He is well aware of it but more committed to providing what you need for today. Like me, you probably have a big list that needs to be prioritised and streamlined. Zoom in on your ‘daily bread’ – whatever that is.