Dear Friend,
How are you feeling today? I was up at the early hours of the morning talking to God about how I needed him to help me through today. Prior to this, I was feeling low and lonely and then I had a conversation over the phone which was “blessed”, as I lay there in the dark still praying, I heard God whisper to me “I have loved you with an everlasting love ” and I strongly believe he’s saying the same to you.

In this short text, God is reassuring his people, he was trying to give them hope for restoration. He was actually addressing “the remnants”, the people who survived the sword and found grace in the wilderness, and today he’s speaking to you; yes you. You’re still here and that makes you a remnant
In verse 1, God said: I am God; I want you now to think of the characters and attributes of God – a healer, sustainer, provider, protector, peace, love, etc. In effect, he was saying I’ll be these things and more to you, you just be my people.
Long ago, I said this to Israel; I repeated it sometime later and today I’m saying it to you: “I have loved you, my child, with an everlasting love. With unfailing love, I have drawn you to myself. I know someone out there promised to love you forever, they even swore to their hurt never to disappoint you but it’s all over now. See, I’m giving you a love that will neither end nor die, this love is forever. You can rely on it because I had you on my mind when I paid the shameful and painful price of death. I’ve given my best to prove myself and if there’s anything more I could do, I would just to reassure you of my love for you.
Friend, God loves you so much that even on this Valentine’s Day he’s affirming his love for you. I don’t know your situation; perhaps you haven’t really had someone or maybe you’ve had someone who’s no longer there but here’s a word from God for you:
I will rebuild you. The building speaks about forming, making, or establishing something; and for you who’ve had a broken relationship, God is reforming and will soon re-establish you so much so that people will be surprised and even your “ex” will regret losing you. I think this is a good place to say amen. If you currently have no one, know that God is preparing you, he’s building and establishing you for that precious brother or sister, be encouraged. If your relationship is such that needs mending, God will heal and rebuild it, he will reconcile you to your partner. Amen!
The second thing God is saying to you today is that you’ll be happy. The word “happy” is synonymous with the words content, delight, favor, harmony, prosperous and joyous. Friend, you will know the joy of the Lord and that joy will be your strength.
God continues in verse 4 by saying that you will dance. For so many reasons, I love this one, and friend if you don’t care to, I receive it.
Normally, before one starts to dance, there is music and that music has to appeal to the person and then they start moving rhythmically. Well, God is about to play sweet music to your ear that will cause you to not just move your hands but your whole body. Halleluiah!
I hope you’ve been encouraged today. Stay blessed.
Other Valentine Editions
Love at the Upper Room – You Showed Me
Come and see the man!
Love conquers all…
Will you be mine?
His Love, My Salvation
Because He Loved Me
You qualify!
I Love You