Background Music – You Showed Me -Karen Clark-Sheard
So he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him. John 13:4-5
If you knew you had only one night with your partner before they’d be gone for a long while, what would you do? Selah! Jesus did something spectacular and memorable in deciding to feet – wash his disciples. It was a small intimate last supper event by invitation only, where he put his love on display by what may have seemed insignificant in an exclusive venue.
The upper room in Jerusalem also known as the Cenacle is an elevated and private area reserved for special use. Jesus would later return here to show himself after resurrection and descend by his spirit to touch each of the 120 congregants with cloven tongues of fire. Legendary!
I can almost liken this place to Isaac’s tent or Solomon’s chamber– no doubt each of the attendees had a testimony. The former‘s is unrecorded but the latter’s is journaled:
You led me to your banquet room and showered me with love. Song of Songs 2:4
Pondering on the phrase ‘you led me’ alone, has me speaking mysteries not to mention the encounter. Can you imagine being showered with or drenched in love? Church, at this point I’m down and out. Send some ushers, please 🙂
You led me…. and lead them he did. Jesus rendezvoused with the disciples in this unique, privy, and peaceful space – away from the norm, noise, & distractions. No boating, mountain-climbing, ‘wildernessing’, praying or fasting but feasting and TLC. Just he and they in this serene place which had an ambience of love. Brother knew how to spice things up, can I get a witness? Talk about A-game! Oh to be led. Pray with me, somebody! Have you noticed Jesus was intentional about the where – The place? A dear friend of mine would always say ‘location matters’ and I agree.
The second thing Jesus was deliberate about was the what – gesture or gift. He could have done a million and one things for them but then chose to shower them with love by washing their feet. Please note this was not done haphazardly because scripture details a process:
- He got up from the meal: He probably finished before them in readiness for his act of service. He did not recline as most leaders or brothers would. He got up and got on with the programme. He showed how it should be done.
- He took off his outer clothing and wrapped a towel around his waist: This is a picture of the future in that he would be stripped of his seamless garment signifying glory and favour. This also connotes openness and intimacy. He showed them!
- He poured water into a basin and began to wash and dry their feet: To an onlooker, it would probably mean nothing but for them to have the son of God wash their feet was an unmerited privilege. This was him showing mercy and compassion to those he chose (Romans 9:15). Because among the ‘washees’ was at least one sword-swinger, betrayer, denier, and recidivist. Jesus foreknew but still stripped, stooped, washed and dried.
Talk about sacrificial and unconditional love, He showed it!
As you go through the festivities and motions of the day with your significant or insignificant other, be deliberate and selective. Love selflessly and unreservedly. Make every moment spectacular and memorable.
Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples. John 13:35
Other Valentine Editions
Come and see the man!
Love conquers all…
Will you be mine?
His Love, My Salvation
Because He Loved Me
Endless Love
You qualify!
I Love You