That’s a religious statement!
Very superstitious, another says!!
Quite hypothetical and has not been empirically proven, many chatter!!!

I have battled whether or not to share this piece as the past couple of months have been challenging for me, especially as it pertains to my love life.

Without revealing much which I believe your imagination would capture, I have pondered hard and long on the varying definitions and assumptions there are about love. Some of which are:

Love is a feeling
This suggests that love is a complex and irrational emotion which tosses like a yo-yo instead of a conscious decision that stands firm. Emotions oscillate like swingpendulums: they can be up one minute and down the other. That somewhat explains the increasing divorce records – there is no resolution among couples neither is there commitment to the vows they make. Words are no longer bonds. Prenups act as security while the threat is the alimony. “So, hey if you like mess with me…just be prepared to watch me walk!” they say.

Love is isn’t always “me first,” It doesn’t fly off the handle, doesn’t keep score of the sins of others, doesn’t revel when others grovel, takes pleasure in the flowering of truth… 1 Corinthians 13:5,6

Love is temporal
I’ve heard it time and time again – “all good things must come to an end”. Seriously? Following the first point, it is largely believed that love has a beginning, grows overtime and can come to an end. You can have it till the Short-Termmoment it expires.   The expiration can be triggered by anything from lingering desires to new taste. Love can be switched on and off. Where then is the unrelenting, enduring, and stable force which in times past has overcome hate, heal hurt and stood the test of time?

Love is always patient; love is always kind … Love never comes to an end… 1 Corinthians 13:4,8

Love is conditional
Love is subject to conditions. This is a widely portrayed on our screens, society and homes. The modus operandi here is ‘Tit-for-Tat’ where the love lasts for as Iflong as both parties are compliant to the set rules. When a road block is encountered and the ‘real’ looks nothing like the ‘ideal’ situation or environment, burst goes the love. When the going gets tough, the tough get going is not quite held here; and although the lovers agree, love is sacrificial, there is a caveat, contract, and condition to the cost requirements.

Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. 1 Corinthians 13:7

After all is said and done, love wins! Quite frankly, there is no winning without a fight. There is no middle ground, your are either fighting and taking ground or  losing! Overcomers scale walls, obstacles and challenges to enjoy the breakthroughs, loots and trophies. Let love conquer, fight for it!

Other Valentine Editions
Love at the Upper Room – You Showed Me
Come and see the man!
Will you be mine?
His Love, My Salvation
Because He Loved Me
Endless Love
You qualify!
I Love You