Hello Friend,
I am glad that you made it into this year strong, and well able to start afresh in the avenues that God has created for you. Go in this your might and do exploits.
Happy New Year! Now, let’s get to the word.
Sometime in 2006, I was inspired by the Holy Spirit to write a song entitled Elohim. The song outlines some of God’s wondrous deeds that I’ve either experienced or discovered.

Elohim is the name of God that declares Him as the creator and judge of the universe. It comes from the Hebrew root meaning “Strength” or “Power”. Aren’t you glad that you have a God who is great in might and limitless in power?
A line of the song says that God has the power to create. And indeed God has; He can do anything and everything. Nothing is impossible for him (Mark 10:27). Another line says that He can make something out of nothing and we see Him illustrate this in the book of beginnings. Let’s read it.
Then the LORD God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being. Genesis 2:7 (NASB)
The Bible unequivocally mentions that “Man was made out of the dust of the ground” meaning that you and I are a product of a dry, lifeless particle – dust. A substance people trample upon and do all sorts on. That’s the raw material from which we were made. Only Elohim can – no one else! Once more, in John chapter 2 we read that Jesus attended a wedding where the wine ran out; and just like His name reads, He made the best tasting wine out of water. A tasteless, colourless liquid became a delightful drink that almost everybody rated ten out of ten for its uniqueness and taste. That’s what Elohim can do; He has the power to make something out of nothing.
Don’t take lightly or consider irrelevant your current situation because God will make something glorious out of it. I want you to begin this year bearing the Elohim factor in mind. He can and will create for you that which is His will for you, be it opportunities or the solution to your needs. Elohim can. Confidently say it with me; Elohim can! Go ahead and give Him praise because soon you’ll experience the creative power of God at work in your life. Halleluyah!
More in this series:
The Elohim factor – Part 2