Dear Friend,

Today, I’ll share a word titled God’s understanding with you. I’m so excited about this word which is going to revolutionize your life. I pray it’s a blessing to you.  Have a good read.

5. Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
6. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

As human beings, we are in constant pursuit of knowledge and understanding. We attend various institutions to learn and understand the appropriate course of action to take on a particular incident within different fields. For example, we may attend a stockbroker seminar to learn the undergirding principles of managing investments for clients or go to church to know and understand God better, etc. Hence, we are able to analyse a situation and then apply our skills, knowledge, intelligence, ideas – our understanding whenever challenged to.

Philippians 4:7 says that “the peace of God that transcends all understanding will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus”. This suggests to me that besides God’s understanding, there are other kinds of understanding which possibly will include human understanding.

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Human understanding is a natural ability to comprehend, perceive what is meant, grasp the idea of something(s). However, there is the supernatural understanding of God that surpasses our intellectual faculty, intelligence, enlightenment, senses, ideas, and thoughts. Isaiah 40:28 says “No one can fathom this understanding” which means this kind of understanding defies interpretation and explanation.

The psalmist in Psalms 119:34 said, “Give me understanding”. In essence, he was saying: Give me insight, discernment, the ability to distinguish, perceive and know, and to consider diligently. I think this should be our heart cry today, Lord give me understanding.

Psalms 119:104 says “Through Your precepts, I get understanding” denoting that all the knowledge, skills, the information we need to tackle life situations are in God’s precepts, His laws, His Word, The holy bible. Verse 130 of Psalms 119 also supports the above text by saying: “The entrance of your word gives light; it gives understanding to the simple.”

The word simple here is a Hebrew root word that means foolish, silly, and seducible. As you may have noticed, these are character traits often exhibited by us humans. God is not foolish neither is He silly nor seducible but we sometimes are therefore we need His understanding.

For a moment, I want you to consider laying down all your ideas before God, search the scriptures, get God’s supernatural understanding, lean on it and watch your life change for the better.

More in this series:

Trust in the Lord
God’s Way
Order my Steps