Hello Friend, good news is bubbling in my spirit and I am excited to share it with you.

God is good and so everything he’s made and continues to make, is good( Gen 1:31, Matt 7:11, Ps 107:8-9, etc). No wonder He has good and perfect gifts wrapped up and ready for you. They’re goodies for you to enjoy – you didn’t earn them and aren’t expected to work for them. All you need to do is align and receive. What good news!

Also, with these gifts comes the bonus of clarity to dispel all forms of opacity in your life. You’ll begin to see well so you can do better. That’s got me shouting and dancing 😃💃🙌

The best news is that the Father doesn’t change like the shifting shadows produced by the sun and the moon. There is no variation, inconsistency, or duplicity with him. You can count on his faithfulness, rely on his strength, and rest in his love. He has never changed, and won’t, ever; regardless of what’s happening all around.

I have no idea what’s going on with you and the sorts of dialogue you’re having, but I would like to stand and agree with you for:

  • A despatch, release, and cascade of all your desired gifts and boons!
  • A flooding of God’s rivers of light! I pray your eyes, ears, and hands are open to receive what is unfolding.
  • A fresh encounter that will signify and solidify the ‘invariableness’ of God in your life.

Be encouraged #fulfilmentcomes #hollaapraise