Is there any word from the LORD? Yes, Jeremiah replied. Jeremiah 37:17b

To provide some context to the above text, the destruction of Jerusalem by the Chaldeans was imminent but neither King Zedekiah nor the people of Judah cared or prepared for the transition. Perhaps this was due to his character following his takeover from Coniah who was also known as Jeconiah.

Scripture says he, his officials, and everyone else in Judah ignored everything the Lord spoke through Jeremiah. Interestingly,  he was simultaneously soliciting prayers. Exactly what many of us do – not keen on living right but desiring the good things of God. Grace! As New Testament Kings and Priests, here are a few lessons from this narrative:

Had the king reflected on the leadership of Coniah, determined the reason God appointed him, carved or captured the vision, put some execution strategies in place, or even mobilized the right people to work with him, I imagine he would have had a successful reign.  Evidently, he had no mentors, neither did he have advisors nor real friends and associates, which put him in a precarious situation. Are you hearing a word from the Lord? Selah!

Unfortunately, he faced captivity just as his predecessor. Oh, that we may learn from life lessons so that affliction doesn’t rise a second or nth time.

[Put first things first] Prepare your work outside and get it ready for yourself in the field; and afterward, build your house and establish a home. Proverbs 24:27

The King was smart enough to inquire of the Lord via Jeremiah. The ability to tactfully express a need or desire is a key skill. Great communicators know and make the most of this to conduct research, build customer bases, create proposals, get buy-in, close sales, win contracts, and finalize deals. It pays to seek input or clarify things whenever you are uninformed or unsure. God expects and invites us to consult with or pray to him.

Call to Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, fenced in and hidden, which you do not know (do not distinguish and recognize, have knowledge of and understand). Jeremiah 33:3

Ask and keep on asking and it will be given to you; seek and keep on seeking and you will find; knock and keep on knocking and the door will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7

Sermons by Archbishop Foley Beach (podcast) - A Word From The Lord (AWFTL) | Listen Notes

God is always speaking and in Zedekiah’s situation had already spoken, but it was his asking that unlocked the answers. When you ask, you set the stage for a response. You may not like the answer, in any case, there’ll certainly be a word from the Lord. I learned a song long ago while in Sunday school:

God has something to say (2x)
Listen, listen, and pay great attention
For the Lord has something to say

Do you know that the popular idiom ‘the devil is in the details’ originated from the maxim ‘God is in the detail’? Is it possible you are missing him? Selah.  Pay attention! Distinguish!! Recognize!!!

Most inquiries are followed by responses although some may be delayed. Zedekiah got a reply albeit not to his liking. Life will not always go your way but what you do at those difficult crossroads will impact the outcome either positively or negatively.  Rather than challenge and contend the verdict, Zedekiah could have conceded or at least cried for mercy.

For He wounds, but He also binds; He strikes, but His hands also heal. Job 5:18

I will tell them, “Come back, and I will cure you of your unfaithfulness.” They will answer, “We will come back because you are the LORD our God. Jeremiah 3:22

ADMIT YOUR SHORTCOMINGS AND MAKE AMENDSZedekiah is not the first man or king to get things wrong.  There’d been wickeder and ungodlier kings such as Manasseh, Ahab, Nebuchadnezzar, and David who obtained mercy and changed their ways.  Instead of repenting, he and his subjects had no regard or restraints to the point they assaulted and insulted the prophet without remorse. Thus not heeding the word:

Don’t touch my anointed ones! Do my prophets no harm! Psalm 105:15

For he who is coming against you is coming against the pupil of His eye. Zechariah 2:8b

I’m thrilled that in the midst of all this, God spoke to Jeremiah before Zedekiah sent the messenger to ask for a word. This highlights the truth that God knows your thoughts and needs, and he already has the answers before you ask.

I will answer their prayers before they finish praying. Isaiah 65:24

Did you know that negotiation is a discussion or communication intended to produce an agreement? You may not have your way but you can certainly compromise or settle for a win-win situation. Tamar, Abraham, Rachel, Jacob, Leah, Boaz, and Jesus knew this too well, so what will you do the next time life has you in a tight corner? I suggest you get a word and war a good warfare with it! #fulfilmentcomes #hollaapraise