Dear Friend,

Over the weeks I have been sharing from the 37th Chapter of Ezekiel’s Book. In as much as some of the things I have shared are informative, it’s my desire that they also be restorative. By the end of this series, I want you to see everything that represents dry bones in your life become living beings, Amen?

Ezekiel 37:7c. …………………and the bones came together, bone to bone

What I love about this phrase is that it illustrates God’s heart or if you like passion for order and bond. These bones as described by Ezekiel were not in order and hence needed to be assembled, organized, basically, put in order; but  they also needed to be joined one to another so they could be functional again.

I have not experienced this but I have been around some athletes who’ve had bone dislocations. One, I know it is painful and two, it leaves them inoperative. They cannot run, jump or engage in whatever sport they do until their bones have healed, until they come back together even though there’s flesh covering the area of injury. Hang with me, I’m going somewhere with this.

Sometimes I’ve asked myself – Jeanie, how come some areas of your life are all right but others look really bad? Most of these times were times that I would have loved to give to meet a need but couldn’t due to some circumstances- things weren’t together you see? I don’t know what area of your life you need to come together; is it your health, career, relationship or may be like me, you love to sow into missions, support the less privileged and/or give towards other charitable causes, but you currently find it challenging because things are not together for you, today, God sent me to tell you that “it will come together”. Your finances will come together in Jesus Name!

I’ve discovered that most times, we really don’t need new things as much as we desire for things to come together; that is, toFree Icon | Broken bone have everything in its place. Let’s take a married woman for instance. She has a handsome husband, beautiful home, loving family, great friends, well paid job and many more streams of income but strongly desires a child. No amount of joy or fulfilment she gets from her job and wealth or the love she receives from her husband and friends can compensate for the child she truly desires, things are not together. One more instance, a young man who is very brilliant at his academics, God fearing, has a Godly mentor, cool friends or mates as they call them, lives in a lovely neighbourhood and attends a world renowned church but because of ailing parents hardly eats 3 square meals a day let alone furthering his education. Can you see that things are really not together?

I have learnt that things don’t always come together immediately as we often want them to, maybe sometimes because we haven’t done what we are supposed to do. Paul said to Timothy “according to the prophecies which went before on thee, that thou by them might war a good warfare;” (1 Timothy 1:18). Just because God has sent his word, does not mean that you have no part to play; or maybe, you warred for a while and got tired , friend, you ought to be joyful in hope, patient in trouble, and persistent in prayer. (Rom 12:12)

What do you think would have happened if Ezekiel, after hearing all the things the Lord promised to do, refused or failed to prophesy? Selah! Think real deep on this.  Every prophecy from the Lord is a word in His will; the bible, you need to rehearse it until it becomes a part of you. Study to show yourself approved…. (2 Timothy 2:15)

If you have not studied the word, you cannot rightly divide it, you will find it difficult to use it properly; in other words, you cannot war a good warfare with it and hence there would be no rattling and no coming together of the bones. Friend, this is not your portion!

If you believe the promises of the Lord to you, say it! That is faith – when you expect to see what you don’t yet have but continue to speak about it.”It” being the things you look forward to seeing, the things that are yet to manifest. If you are unconvinced of the word, you will not receive from the Lord.

James 1:7
A person who has doubts shouldn’t expect to receive anything from the Lord.

Declare this with me. I believe God and I declare that right now, for me, It (name that thing that you are believing God for) is coming together! Bone to bone. Declare it that thou may be justified. Hallelujah!

Ezekiel 37:

And I looked, and behold, sinews were on them, and flesh grew and skin covered them; but there was no breath in them.

God had previously spoken that He would breathe into, lay sinews and cover the bones with Skin but He did not do these until the bones came together. Have you heard a word from the Lord that seems overdue; I’m talking about something(s) that should have come to pass by now? Check yourself; is everything in its place or are the bones still disjoined?

I’m sure you’ve realized that the bones didn’t just come together randomly but they did, bone to bone -fitly fixed, every bone in its rightful place. Some bones may have been broken but they weren’t missing, they all came together. I prophesy that “it” will come together for you.

I hope you’ve heard God today. There’s more to come next week.

God Bless.

More in this series: