Dear Friend,
I hope you’ve been enjoying reading this journal. Proverbs 14:12 says that there is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end, it leads to death. Our steps determine the way we take and our ways are headed towards the direction of our thoughts, our thoughts, ideas, and understanding produce beliefs-a trust. In order to trust Jesus, lean on his understanding and walk in his ways, we need to take a step and that step needs to be ordered. Have a good read.
PSALMS 119:133
Order my steps in thy word And let not any iniquity have dominion over me.

Every journey is made of steps; big steps, little steps with big feet or small feet. The truth is that some folks with big feet, who ought to be taking big steps, end up taking little steps and those with small feet take big steps. Is this shocking to you?
A step according to the Macquarie dictionary is:
- A movement made by lifting a foot and setting it down again in a new position as in walking.
- A movement or proceeding as towards some end
I love these definitions so much because they teach me that each step I take ushers me into a new position towards my expected end. Therefore, every move I make and every step I take should be the right one to enable me to reach my end. Are you getting this?
I want you right now to think about a step you recently made – Selah! Think about it. Now think about the position you’re in? PAUSE II. Is that really where you are supposed to be? Could you have been in a better position if you had taken a shorter step or maybe a longer one? Oh, but how could you have known which step to take? Did your guesswork or flop?
I can’t but imagine the psalmist taking this little exercise, pondering on how different things could have been for him if he had let God order his steps prior to the writing of this verse.
The word “order” in this verse is the Hebrew word translated firm, kept, steadfast, stable, established, set up, fixed, secure, enduring, directed aright, prepared, arranged, and guided. Does this sound like what you need?
Psalms 37: 23 says that the steps of a righteous man are ordered (appointed) by God. Another meaning of the word order is “command” and you know sometimes we just need that order; that command, that gentle force from God to walk in his ways even when we don’t understand it, or we don’t feel like it. I guess that it’s in these times that you need to tell God to swerve you, to move you in the direction you need to take your steps towards.
When you’re ordered you’re sent to or held back from something until the right time. No wonder David always prayed to be kept: kept back from, preserved, guided, ordered, warned, and instructed. He understood that if God appointed and anointed his steps iniquity would not come upon him; iniquity meaning naught, vanity, trouble.
Let’s just recap. A step involves lifting up and setting down the feet. If there’s a mishap in this simple activity it will result in a fall – this is not God’s desire for you so ask the Lord today to order your steps for a firm and lasting peace.
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