Thereafter, Hagar used another name to refer to the LORD, who had spoken to her. She said, “You are the God who sees me.” She also said, “Have I truly seen the One who sees me?”. So that well was named Beer-lahai-roi (which means “well of the Living One who sees me”). It can still be found between Kadesh and Bered. Genesis 16:13-14

Do you feel lonely and deserted? That no one cares about you or what you are going through? Friend, you are not alone. God cares and is near, here, everywhere, and right there with you. He has your best interest at heart and will come through just for you.

When Hagar put away her child – promise, future, hope, destiny, and dream in fear that he would die of thirst, God came to her rescue. Interestingly, he did nothing but open herHagar eyes. Could it just be that’s all you need right now?

Insight, illumination, revelation is invaluable. Once Hagar saw, her problems were solved. God did not bring the well to her, she got to the well and did what was necessary.

I have noticed fear sets in when we lose sight of God’s magnificence and grace. Do you see a God who abandons? Who will bring you halfway and disappear? Who would promise health and wealth and let you wallow in pain and lack? Noooooooo! God is too good. He will not give you more than you can bear. May he open your eyes to see the purpose and promise in your problem?

The reason you are going through those challenges is for your ‘thereafter’. It won’t always be like this. There is coming a new season after this. Do you see?

For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. Romans 8:18

For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 2 Corinthians 4:17

There’s a glory that is yet to be revealed in you that far outweighs your present circumstances. I pray today you have a ‘thereafter’ encounter. An experience that will give you a fresh revelation into the person and power of God. God will speak to you and open your eyes to the opportunities and possibilities around you.

Empty room with a open doorHereafter, you’ll call God by a new ‘another’ name. You are the God who [fill in the blanks]. You’ll know him more intimately and personally. Your testimony [your well] will not be blocked or stubbed out. It will remain for all to see and be encouraged.

The precise account and place will be preserved – between A and B [the scene] named C [your experience/ breakthrough] meaning D [the significance of your encounter/breakthrough].

Thereafter. Fresh vision. Another name. I am excited about your breakthrough and testimony. Please feel free to share with me.