A lot of Christians today are quick to judge -eager to pick a stone and slay forgetting they too have motes, shortcomings, and sins. The father chastens whom he loves but his steadfast love endures – never ceases – He may be angry for a moment but his favour lasts a last time.

Is the 21st century Christian bewildered bewitched or, backslidden? Are we hanging onto the law or grace – Is there a balance?

Grace! Grace!! Grace!!! – Go and sin no more ……. Come onto me all ye that labour and are heavy-laden……

Are we really Christ-like in our actions today? Are we righteous? Are we true disciples? Have we become over-zealous and unbalanced in our actions?

Do we do unto others as we wish it to be done to us – Do we mete out the measure we’d be happy receive … Jesus said — whatever you do to any of these brethren – that you do also onto me.

Would you cover me? Would you protect me? Would you defend me?