Hello Friend,

Thank God it’s Friday (TGIF), but more importantly because I heard a word – I am coming out loaded!

Then the LORD said to him, “Know for certain that for four hundred years your descendants will be strangers in a country not their own and that they will be enslaved and mistreated there. But I will punish the nation they serve as slaves, and afterward they will come out with great possessions. And I will cause the Egyptians to look favourably on you. They will give you gifts when you go so you will not leave empty-handed. Genesis 15:13, 14; Exodus 3:21

This text reminds me of a word God spoke to me a few months ago – Fulfillment comes! Take time to read it if you haven’t already. In the text above, God tells Abraham aforetime that his seed would go into slavery and be mistreated.

I would have stopped God right on his tracks if that were me. Excuse me, what kind of a friend are you? The promise is yet to manifest and you’re talking about their imprisonment and maltreatment. Here’s where the tongues begin to roll: ‘ya wukwara njakiri, kwushi ya ooo’ meaning, if it’s a joke, stop it – don’t joke me around, God!

I am so glad He continued to speak despite my jumpiness and oscillating emotions. God said he would punish those folks and cause his covenant people to come out with MANY possessions. Later in Exodus, he put a twist on it confirming that the enemy would look on his people with FAVOUR and GIVE them GIFTS so they do not LEAVE EMPTY-HANDED. Did you notice the specific mention of ‘Egypt’? I dare you to call that thing that’s been tormenting you by name and speak the word of the Lord over it.

So here’s what I heard – you are beloved. If God couldn’t trust you to handle it, he wouldn’t bother puttingDomestic and international transport of goods and cargo | transporti.co IT (whatever you might be going through) on you. Secondly, you are where you are on purpose and assignment. You will not spend a second longer than necessary. Thirdly, God will turn it around. Those things that have seemingly punished you will receive a good measure of what was doled you. Fourthly, favour is on you and this favour will attract gifts. Finally, the process is not in vain. You’ll not come out empty-handed. In the end, you’ll have something to show for it – great substance, properties, wealth, riches, goodies – graces!

You’re coming out loaded, Friend!